Workplace Wellness: 4 Desk Workouts That You’ve Perhaps Never Considered

Posted by on Tuesday, December 30th, 2014 with 10 Comments

Sometimes, it can feel like there’s no time in the day to fit in a trip to the gym. We get it – we’ve been there. As advocates of workplace wellness, we’re well aware of the benefits a good thirty minutes of exercise every day offer to anyone who works in an office setting. The problem is that we’re all so loaded up with stuff to do, actually getting exercise can become a bit of a pipe dream. The easiest way to combat this is to fit in a few strategic exercise moves when you have a few extra minutes throughout the day. You read that correctly: it’s time to find a few ways to work out in between your back-to-back meetings or while you’re taking a break from reviewing all those spreadsheets this afternoon. Inspired, and looking for more? We’ve got the best desk workouts for you to try out today.

exercise ball

Replacing your office chair with an exercise ball can be a great way to work on your abs while you’re getting things done!
Image source: Flickr user e skene

Wall Sits

When you really want to get the most out of your three minutes between meetings, wall sits are your best bet. They engage a variety of muscles throughout your body and can be easily adjusted based on your activity level. To start, stand with your back against the wall and bend your knees. Slide your back down against the wall until you’re in a seated position and your thighs are parallel with the floor. Sit and hold for as long as you can, but we’ll warn you in advance: after about thirty seconds your legs will be burning!

Calf Raises

The next time you find yourself standing in line, waiting for something to be spit out of the printer, start working your calves! Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart while you raise and lower your body on your toes and then back to level ground. If you work in a two minute session of calf raises every time you go to the printer starting today, you’re sure to have some pretty toned gams just in time for spring.

Abs for Days

Great abs aren’t something that just happen overnight. They take quite a bit of work. And while it won’t get you a six pack on its own, investing in an exercise ball to replace your desk chair can be a great start. You’ll want one that allows you to comfortably sit with your back straight up and down, shoulders back while you work. Remind yourself throughout the day to sit up a little straighter and you’ll definitely be feeling it in your abs by the end of the day! The key to using an exercise ball is to make sure to keep it full of air – you’ll likely need to add a little extra once a month. Also, invest in a reinforced exercise ball. They’re less likely to pop than the ones that aren’t designated for daily use.

Genie Lifts

When you find yourself sitting in the middle of a conference room, waiting for a meeting to get underway, try this quick arm exercise to work those biceps. Sit cross-legged (think kindergarten style) in a chair. Put  your hands on the armrests of the chair and push your body off the seat. Try to hold this “floating” position for thirty seconds. Not up for granting wishes to your co-workers? It’s also a great move to do from your desk chair in your office for a more conspicuous workout.

Better Desk Workouts

We know you’re busy. And when you’re pressed for time, it can be hard to get in a great workout – or really, any kind of exercise at all. These are the days when finding some quick desk workouts can help you to take advantage of those few extra minutes in the midst of your busy schedule. But it’s not all about your smooth moves in the office; it’s also about fueling your body with tasty, nutritious food. So when a fresh meal is on your docket for a busy day, is here to help. We’ll quickly connect you with the tastiest meals to support your healthy, on-the-go lifestyle. And since we deliver straight to your office, you can take advantage of some extra time on your lunch break to do a few squats or wall sits before you have to head off to another meeting!

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10 responses to “Workplace Wellness: 4 Desk Workouts That You’ve Perhaps Never Considered”

  1. Bill James says:

    I’ve seen a few people in my office take some bad spills on those exercise balls. I prefer to invest in a good chair with lumbar support.

    • Amelia K. says:

      Haha, I’ve taken a spill myself! Finding the right sized ball and making sure you get one that’s reinforced can help with that issue.

  2. Dan says:

    I’ve used an exercise ball previously at work, and not only is it healthy, I find it helps me (a very fidgety adult) stay focused on whatever I’m doing. Kill two birds with one stone!

  3. Wendy says:

    I like how these workout suggestions are quick and can be done in between tasks at work. I often feel like I don’t have time after work to exercise, so I am definitely going to give some of these a try!

    • Amelia K. says:

      It’s nice to work in a workout – without breaking a sweat – in the middle of your day!

  4. katrina says:

    I really like these work outs, when I worked in an office I used to do these kind of things all the time, now that I have a more physically active job they aren’t really necessary. But they definitely work for those who sit at a desk for 8 hrs.

  5. Chelsea Llerena says:

    This is so great, ive noticed myself started to gain wain sitting at the desk all day, time to check these out lol.